Mixing up Mary & Jesus
I am working as a penguin now.
As a waitress, you know?
And after 8hours at work and 6hours working actually we (the staff) finally were allowed to eat from the buffet as well.
It was that delicious!
But a lot.
And a lot mixed up.
So I asked my colleagues after a while: “Can you tell me where the restrooms are?”
“Oh, that is very easy! Go along the corridor. It’s right on the left side. There’s a Holy Mary on the door. Just right here the left door.”
So I walked along, saw Mary and entered.
And then fate took its course.
I went into the cabin and locked the door.
Everything’s okay.
But suddenly something felt strange.
I was hanging over the toilet bowl – you ought to know, well girls don’t use to “really sit” on foreign toilets – with my waitress-pinafore on the hook when suddenly-
Suddenly somebody came in.
Heavy steps.
And I thought “okay, maybe this is just a heavy woman.”
Male voices.
And I thought “okay, maybe cursed with a deep voice.” – But why isn’t the other-toilet door clapping?
The door swung. Another steps.
Male voices.
And I thought “okay, maybe they took the wrong door.”
Steps. Steps. Steps. Voices.
And I thought “okay, maybe this is an unisex-toilet.”
(Are they even allowed?)
Steps. Steps. Steps. Voices. Other voices I did not really want to think about.
So, finally I thought “okay, it was YOU who really got something wrong right here!”
So what to do?
So I prayed to all gods I don’t believe in to just having a bad dream and wake up. Bud this luck wasn’t mine.
I was still hanging over the toilet-bowl getting really uncomfortable and of course the situation turned out to become exceedingly awkward.
All right. I jumped up from my “hanging-looking-a-small-bundle-of-misery-position”, did my stuff done, got dressed like a penguin again and paused behind the door.
There were times before when there was just silence. So my belief was that I just had to wait for one of those.
Steps. Voices. Steps. Weird sounds.
No loneliness,
no silence at all.
So I stood there, watched the minute hand running out of time.
And that was when I realized “okay, you will have to stand your ground now.”
So I aligned the bow tie, turned the lock, breathed in, gritted my teeth, closed and opened my eyes again and opened the door.
My heart was beating. What A day!
So I screwed up my courage and walked straight forward to the basins.
Fixed like with blinders.
Water. Soap. Tissues.
Not noticing the men starring at me.
Not noticing the men standing in front of the urinals.
(which were exactly right next to the basins…)
When I came out of the Gents it took a load off my mind.
And it turned out that this Holy Mary on the restroom-door was in fact a Jesus-figure.
How could I really have mixed them up?!
This day I was really lucky to not be interested in men. I mean really.
And I should honestly read the Bible now.
http://bible.com /
Moment of Zen #9.2 (for June 16, 2009)
Granny’s on facebook
It’s becoming larger. More interactive.
It’s becoming transatlantic. Worldwide.
Social web-communities like
facebook, MySpace or Studi-/Schüler-/MeinVZ and all the others.
There is no way to get away from this.
Bands are on MySpace.
Politicians are on MeinVZ / facebook.
Cousin (10) is in icq.
Mom is on meinVZ.
Grandma is on facebook.
One of my friends said
(during a boring-as-hell-seminar
spending all our time and pleasures on facebook):
Oh, look! Grandma’s on facebook.
We died of laughter.
“I didn’t anticipate Aristotle to cause you that much fun?!”
Granny’s on facebook. Funniest image ever.
She found her host grandma from the States online.
My grandma does not even have a cell phone. She never turned on a computer. She doesn’t even speak English.
My mom uses her PC for work. It’s my dad who writes the emails und uploads pictures, repairs the scanner and does all the research. At least my mom knows the password.
And now she knows how to get into the “Verzeichnis”-thing after I created her a profile.
“Oh no! I won’t be online ever! It is such a waste of time!”
“Hey! I saw your mom online at studi. Didn’t know she was there.
Great! I chatted with her a long time.”
But even it is that much fun - be aware of bad things like computer viruses / faked profiles from men with dangerous intentions / cyber-bullying / wasting your life / …
I am addicted. What about you?
See links:
http://www.facebook.com /
http://www.myspace.com /
http://www.studivz.net /
http://www.meinvz.net /
It’s becoming larger. More interactive.
It’s becoming transatlantic. Worldwide.
Social web-communities like
facebook, MySpace or Studi-/Schüler-/MeinVZ and all the others.
There is no way to get away from this.
Bands are on MySpace.
Politicians are on MeinVZ / facebook.
Cousin (10) is in icq.
Mom is on meinVZ.
Grandma is on facebook.
One of my friends said
(during a boring-as-hell-seminar
spending all our time and pleasures on facebook):
Oh, look! Grandma’s on facebook.
We died of laughter.
“I didn’t anticipate Aristotle to cause you that much fun?!”
Granny’s on facebook. Funniest image ever.
She found her host grandma from the States online.
My grandma does not even have a cell phone. She never turned on a computer. She doesn’t even speak English.
My mom uses her PC for work. It’s my dad who writes the emails und uploads pictures, repairs the scanner and does all the research. At least my mom knows the password.
And now she knows how to get into the “Verzeichnis”-thing after I created her a profile.
“Oh no! I won’t be online ever! It is such a waste of time!”
“Hey! I saw your mom online at studi. Didn’t know she was there.
Great! I chatted with her a long time.”
But even it is that much fun - be aware of bad things like computer viruses / faked profiles from men with dangerous intentions / cyber-bullying / wasting your life / …
I am addicted. What about you?
See links:
http://www.facebook.com /
http://www.myspace.com /
http://www.studivz.net /
http://www.meinvz.net /
Moment of Zen #8.2 (for June 9, 2009)
Are we crazy? Weird?
I mean honestly!
The US-president is no pop star. No celeb.
He is a politician.
Why don’t we treat him like that?
How interested have we (means the whole world including the Americans and the Europeans) been into politics till now?
If we are not really interested in every other political action here in the EU or in the world – why are we in everything this man takes?
Don’t get me wrong – as a completed citizen it is absolutely necessary to be political. But please not in this one-sided-way!
Where is the reason everyone being so “semi-American”?
Everyone’s so proud and there’s all this euphoria and American attitude,
every employee is so heavenly lucky to be allowed to work in the “3000-kilometers-around-Obama-area”.
There is all this patriotic music and everyone is dying to “once-see-Mister-President”.
And even the Protestant priest of the Dresden’s Frauenkirche seems to see a heaven sent angel in him.
Even Forbes-mag - which is an economic magazine - put him on #49 of the most important celebs. The first time a President is set here now. He had earned around $2.5mio. just by his published books last year. Heidi Klum, Germany's best-known celebrity, just got position 78.
I ask you: why has this one man such a huge influence?
Why are we all going crazy right here?
Like seeing the biggest rock star on stage?
And: Is there a way out?!
Hope is still lasting. Let’s see how long.
See links:
http://www.rtl.de/rtlaktuell/rtl_aktuell_videoplayer.php?article=28973 /
http://www.rtl.de/rtlaktuell/rtl_aktuell_videoplayer.php?article=28957 /
http://www.mdr.de/thueringen/6413214.html /
http://obama.lvz-online.de/lvzs.site,postext,news,artikel_id,7165.html?PHPSESSID=19j3re8an2j2frj0dpl0pf0j05 /
http://www.mdr.de/thueringen/6413214.html /
Are we crazy? Weird?
I mean honestly!
The US-president is no pop star. No celeb.
He is a politician.
Why don’t we treat him like that?
How interested have we (means the whole world including the Americans and the Europeans) been into politics till now?
If we are not really interested in every other political action here in the EU or in the world – why are we in everything this man takes?
Don’t get me wrong – as a completed citizen it is absolutely necessary to be political. But please not in this one-sided-way!
Where is the reason everyone being so “semi-American”?
Everyone’s so proud and there’s all this euphoria and American attitude,
every employee is so heavenly lucky to be allowed to work in the “3000-kilometers-around-Obama-area”.
There is all this patriotic music and everyone is dying to “once-see-Mister-President”.
And even the Protestant priest of the Dresden’s Frauenkirche seems to see a heaven sent angel in him.
Even Forbes-mag - which is an economic magazine - put him on #49 of the most important celebs. The first time a President is set here now. He had earned around $2.5mio. just by his published books last year. Heidi Klum, Germany's best-known celebrity, just got position 78.
I ask you: why has this one man such a huge influence?
Why are we all going crazy right here?
Like seeing the biggest rock star on stage?
And: Is there a way out?!
Hope is still lasting. Let’s see how long.
See links:
http://www.rtl.de/rtlaktuell/rtl_aktuell_videoplayer.php?article=28973 /
http://www.rtl.de/rtlaktuell/rtl_aktuell_videoplayer.php?article=28957 /
http://www.mdr.de/thueringen/6413214.html /
http://obama.lvz-online.de/lvzs.site,postext,news,artikel_id,7165.html?PHPSESSID=19j3re8an2j2frj0dpl0pf0j05 /
http://www.mdr.de/thueringen/6413214.html /
Moment of Zen #9 (for June 16, 2009)
Obama the bad guy
Guest lecture Mitchel Cohen
(June 4, 2009)
Mitchel Cohen comes from Brooklyn but lives in France, is an author and political activist (New York Green Party) and has been sent to prison because of lobbying for political prisoners. He identifies himself as an anarchical Communist.
According to his own quotations he “emphasizes that Obama has
- endorsed the genetic engineering of plants
- promoted development of new nuclear power plants
- bailed out billionaire bankers and brokers (but not the working class!)
- intensified the war in Afghanistan and treats against Pakistan
- relied primarily on market-based mechanisms to address global warming and pollution.” *
The title of this lecture was “Time for a change? Obama and the American left”. But in fact he did not really talk about this.
Mitchel Cohen talked about cancer, the failed American politics of the Bush Administration, the swine flu and a lot of other stuff before he actually comes to his principle point:
What is cancer? Where does it come from? (-> pesticides in agriculture / eating habits in society / animal’s excrements / pollution from chemical industry / failing waste separation / growing ozone whole / monoculture on the fields / widespread pesticide spraying allover the whole city).
Bush did everything wrong, he is the devil himself, blocked the Kyoto-Plan.
Swine flu is dangerous and it is everywhere.
And then he comes to the point. Mitchel Cohen sees Obama as the bad guy:
-> Political: Obama pushes genetically modified food forward, increased troops in Afghanistan, no arrangements against water-boarding, deteriorates global warming (is worse than Bush).
-> Personal: Obama wears the “white coat” of being the president. He is greenwashing: pretends to be but sells it out and bedazzles the American citizens and the whole political world. He turns around the people’s reliance on authority by using masks. He uses his office-position to get the check on the country. The American president is the most powerful man in the world.
Maybe – most likely – Barack Obama knows the fact that creating a friendly, successful, dressed-well, sophisticated and “the-guy-next-door”-image of himself opens several doors which would be still closed without that. But this must not be a bad thing. He can use this huge and easily agreement to actually make some changes.
Furthermore Cohen goes overboard to compare Obama to Bush in a way I guess a lot of people will disagree:
“Obama is just another Bush. Just another face. I cannot trust him. Bush was the evil himself – the whole world knows that now. But Obama isn’t better than that. […] We need to elect a different guy. Someone who really cares about what we need. Why don’t we do that? Resistance is not only possible, it’s necessary!”
But who should that be according to him? And what should he do?
This is very flimsy in his lecture.
He asks us:
Why did the government give the money (economic stimulus package) to the national banks? And not to the people?
Because if you let the banks die – you kill the whole economy!
And of course if you let the banks die – you let the citizens die as well (because you revoke their means of existence).
Yes, sure – it could have been better to prevent a crisis like that. But that was not Obama’s job at that time.
So, give everyone $200 and let the banks die
(= destroy their savings over $100.000 from the deposit guarantee fund)?
Or what?
Anarchy is no solution, I guess we all know that.
His theses quite annoyed several listeners.
Mitchel Cohen uses the famousness of new president Barrack Obama to distinguish himself. “Oh, come on, here I am! Look at me. I have nothing to talk about, so I talk about Obama. Oh, you already heard a lot of good stuff about him? Okay, let’s try it the other way round and make even some more money.”
He has no real criteria to argue. When he is asked concrete questions, he has no real answers. He accepts opposite views and listens to opposite statements. But he has no criteria against it. Confronting him with facts, the whole thing is over.
So, what about him?
Is he really doing against Obama’s politics? Or against Obama as a person? Where is his motivation? Gender/Race/his own profit…?
Obama may have some mistakes. He isn’t perfect. Of course nobody is. He is only a human being like all of us. Don’t forget that! And it is crystal-clear that he cannot achieve this wonder that everyone anticipated from him. The whole nation hopes for a new world, some kind of paradise where Obama is the only key. But this image is not what he created himself. He proclaimed a change. But he did not promise a miracle. That was what his fans conceived. But the point is that Obama is not the bad guy Cohen tries to turn him out to.
Here are some reasonable quotes:
What is politics?
Concerning to the 60s everything is political:
“Whatever you do – or don’t do – is political.”
You cannot be apolitical, that is factual impossible.
- M.C. -
“Nobody’s accepting to suffer a little bit in order to gain the most.”
“We create our own authorities in our heads.
But in the consequence we try to fight these authorities.”
- M.C. -
“The margin between the ‘haves’ and the ‘not-haves’ is increasing. That is the root of our financial crisis. To solve this problem we need to create a vast powerful middle-class. But contrary to that the political attitudes converge more and more: a new party is created: the Republicrats.”
- M.C. -
Asinde from his political views – concerning to our regards, it is very obvious that Mitchel Cohen definitely had the wrong audience.
References:*Flyer TU Dortmund, Institut für Amerikanistik
Guest lecture Mitchel Cohen
(June 4, 2009)
Mitchel Cohen comes from Brooklyn but lives in France, is an author and political activist (New York Green Party) and has been sent to prison because of lobbying for political prisoners. He identifies himself as an anarchical Communist.
According to his own quotations he “emphasizes that Obama has
- endorsed the genetic engineering of plants
- promoted development of new nuclear power plants
- bailed out billionaire bankers and brokers (but not the working class!)
- intensified the war in Afghanistan and treats against Pakistan
- relied primarily on market-based mechanisms to address global warming and pollution.” *
The title of this lecture was “Time for a change? Obama and the American left”. But in fact he did not really talk about this.
Mitchel Cohen talked about cancer, the failed American politics of the Bush Administration, the swine flu and a lot of other stuff before he actually comes to his principle point:
What is cancer? Where does it come from? (-> pesticides in agriculture / eating habits in society / animal’s excrements / pollution from chemical industry / failing waste separation / growing ozone whole / monoculture on the fields / widespread pesticide spraying allover the whole city).
Bush did everything wrong, he is the devil himself, blocked the Kyoto-Plan.
Swine flu is dangerous and it is everywhere.
And then he comes to the point. Mitchel Cohen sees Obama as the bad guy:
-> Political: Obama pushes genetically modified food forward, increased troops in Afghanistan, no arrangements against water-boarding, deteriorates global warming (is worse than Bush).
-> Personal: Obama wears the “white coat” of being the president. He is greenwashing: pretends to be but sells it out and bedazzles the American citizens and the whole political world. He turns around the people’s reliance on authority by using masks. He uses his office-position to get the check on the country. The American president is the most powerful man in the world.
Maybe – most likely – Barack Obama knows the fact that creating a friendly, successful, dressed-well, sophisticated and “the-guy-next-door”-image of himself opens several doors which would be still closed without that. But this must not be a bad thing. He can use this huge and easily agreement to actually make some changes.
Furthermore Cohen goes overboard to compare Obama to Bush in a way I guess a lot of people will disagree:
“Obama is just another Bush. Just another face. I cannot trust him. Bush was the evil himself – the whole world knows that now. But Obama isn’t better than that. […] We need to elect a different guy. Someone who really cares about what we need. Why don’t we do that? Resistance is not only possible, it’s necessary!”
But who should that be according to him? And what should he do?
This is very flimsy in his lecture.
He asks us:
Why did the government give the money (economic stimulus package) to the national banks? And not to the people?
Because if you let the banks die – you kill the whole economy!
And of course if you let the banks die – you let the citizens die as well (because you revoke their means of existence).
Yes, sure – it could have been better to prevent a crisis like that. But that was not Obama’s job at that time.
So, give everyone $200 and let the banks die
(= destroy their savings over $100.000 from the deposit guarantee fund)?
Or what?
Anarchy is no solution, I guess we all know that.
His theses quite annoyed several listeners.
Mitchel Cohen uses the famousness of new president Barrack Obama to distinguish himself. “Oh, come on, here I am! Look at me. I have nothing to talk about, so I talk about Obama. Oh, you already heard a lot of good stuff about him? Okay, let’s try it the other way round and make even some more money.”
He has no real criteria to argue. When he is asked concrete questions, he has no real answers. He accepts opposite views and listens to opposite statements. But he has no criteria against it. Confronting him with facts, the whole thing is over.
So, what about him?
Is he really doing against Obama’s politics? Or against Obama as a person? Where is his motivation? Gender/Race/his own profit…?
Obama may have some mistakes. He isn’t perfect. Of course nobody is. He is only a human being like all of us. Don’t forget that! And it is crystal-clear that he cannot achieve this wonder that everyone anticipated from him. The whole nation hopes for a new world, some kind of paradise where Obama is the only key. But this image is not what he created himself. He proclaimed a change. But he did not promise a miracle. That was what his fans conceived. But the point is that Obama is not the bad guy Cohen tries to turn him out to.
Here are some reasonable quotes:
What is politics?
Concerning to the 60s everything is political:
“Whatever you do – or don’t do – is political.”
You cannot be apolitical, that is factual impossible.
- M.C. -
“Nobody’s accepting to suffer a little bit in order to gain the most.”
“We create our own authorities in our heads.
But in the consequence we try to fight these authorities.”
- M.C. -
“The margin between the ‘haves’ and the ‘not-haves’ is increasing. That is the root of our financial crisis. To solve this problem we need to create a vast powerful middle-class. But contrary to that the political attitudes converge more and more: a new party is created: the Republicrats.”
- M.C. -
Asinde from his political views – concerning to our regards, it is very obvious that Mitchel Cohen definitely had the wrong audience.
References:*Flyer TU Dortmund, Institut für Amerikanistik
Moment of Zen #8 (for June 9, 2009)
The need for social networking?

Online social networks
(like Myspace / Facebook / StudiVZ and all the others)
are important to you ?
Do you like them ?
Or do you need them ?
Is it a free-time activity ?
Or a "full-time-'next-to-your-ordinary-boring-job'-job" ?
Do they make life easier ?
Or more complex ?
Do you use them for pleasure ?
Or for satisfaction ?
Is it fun ?
Or commitment ?
Do they connect people ?
Or do they keep people away from each other ?
Are all these 300plus persons in your “Friends-List” really people you like / love / would offer everything an honest friendship contents?
Online social networks
(like Myspace / Facebook / StudiVZ and all the others)
are important to you ?
Do you like them ?
Or do you need them ?
Is it a free-time activity ?
Or a "full-time-'next-to-your-ordinary-boring-job'-job" ?
Do they make life easier ?
Or more complex ?
Do you use them for pleasure ?
Or for satisfaction ?
Is it fun ?
Or commitment ?
Do they connect people ?
Or do they keep people away from each other ?
Are all these 300plus persons in your “Friends-List” really people you like / love / would offer everything an honest friendship contents?
Social networks do not exist in cyberspace.
They exist in your heart.
Let's be honest: We are nothing without our friends.
It is the way they look at you, criticize you, hand you a pencil, call you, talk to you, help you, need you, search for presents with you, meet you, greet you, dance with you, read stories to you, tell you right from their heart, lend you a quater, frighten you, cry with you, cook a cup of tea for you, forget your hair blower everytime, drink a beer with you, slag just somebody off, borrow some redecoration-stuff for you from a friend's friend (and so on), hold you, catch your falling, stand by you the way up and down, discuss with you all night long, fight with you, love you. Not the way they answer an e-Mail or write some sweet postings on your pinboard.
Let's be honest: We are nothing without our friends.
It is the way they look at you, criticize you, hand you a pencil, call you, talk to you, help you, need you, search for presents with you, meet you, greet you, dance with you, read stories to you, tell you right from their heart, lend you a quater, frighten you, cry with you, cook a cup of tea for you, forget your hair blower everytime, drink a beer with you, slag just somebody off, borrow some redecoration-stuff for you from a friend's friend (and so on), hold you, catch your falling, stand by you the way up and down, discuss with you all night long, fight with you, love you. Not the way they answer an e-Mail or write some sweet postings on your pinboard.
Don't miss reality.
*inspired by one of my closest friends
Moment of Zen #7 ( for June 2, 2009 )
Obama on Hacking FBI-computers
"Cyberspace is real.
And so are the risks that come with it."
- Barack Obama -
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